Atlanta Deutschland GmbH -
the packaging specialists

ATLANTA Deutschland GmbH is a company active in the field of packaging technology. As an independent subsidiary of ATLANTA Stretch SpA and of ATLANTA Packaging SpA from Italy, ATLANTA Germany is responsible for large parts of Europe. All sales and service activities are coordinated from Ludwigsburg in Germany.
ATLANTA Germany was founded in 2007 by a professional experienced in the industry, Giovanni Berardi. With meanwhile more than 20 employees and access to a worldwide service network with specialized technicians, ATLANTA Germany is the most important and largest international location within the ATLANTA Group.
The highly motivated and technically experienced team of ATLANTA Germany is happy to take care of all aspects of customers in the areas of beverage technology and intralogistics. Spare parts and consumables can be shipped at short notice directly from our warehouse. Projections of machines and systems according to customer specifications are planned and implemented by technicians directly at ATLANTA Germany. Due to own production capacities and 1,100 m² production area at the location in Ludwigsburg also complete projects or special solutions can be handled. We are looking forward to your contact!
some of our clients..
Coca-Cola // Pepsi // SAB Miller // Heineken // Carlsberg, AB Inbev // Pepsico // Dematic // Krones // KHS // Sidel // Nestle // Danone // Unilever // Rhenser // Spaten Franziskaner // Weihenstephan // Erdinger // Pomona Kellerei // Aqua Römer ..